Monuments, Mall & More
Monuments, Mall & More
Casual and Family Friendly | 3 hours | 6-8 miles
Explore DC's most iconic sites at your pace with the flexibility to investigate your interests or lesser-known sites. We’ll meet you where you are staying and guide you on the safest routes around the city. We’ll visit the White House, National Mall, and memorials, including the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr Memorial, Washington Monument, Vietnam, Korean, and WWII Memorials. We can also visit the Jefferson Memorial, Smithsonian Museums, US Capitol Building and some awesome lesser-known sites if you are interested. Bicycles, helmets, new water bottles (you get to keep), and snacks all included.
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Depending on your interests, this 3 hour tour includes the White House, Capitol Building, National Mall, Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, a roll by several of the Smithsonians including a quick stop at the Smithsonian Castle, as well as the Vietnam, Korean and World War II Memorials.